In Progress...

Thursday 1 September 2011

The burning of the Revision cards!

Last thursday was a day for doing things. One thing I had wanted to do for quite a while was burn my GCSE revision cards, which were still floating around my house doing nothing. (Of course being the wonderful sister I am I sorted out all the still useful ones and gave them to my brother for when he needs them.)
I didn't want to burn them to make a statment or be all anti school/government whatever, I wanted to burn them so I could fully move on without these little bits of clutter following me around, until they become sentimental and I have to stick them on a wall or something. So I did.

Turns out they don't burn that easily, I had to get some dry leaves involved and I used up a whole pack of matches and a lighter.
(Warning: check for any trees which may begin to burn when you have a fire. I didn't. I only singed it but look at those poor leaves.)
There's something quite scary but also freeing when doing something this permanent, even though they are only little bits of paper, there's no chance you can get them back once they are little bits of ash :P

Now to move on!

-Grace x


  1. Hello! Lovely blog (: I saw your letter was featured in Oh Comely Magazine - congratulations! x

  2. I never had the guts to burn my old revision notes, i just dumped it all in the recycling bin! Haha! Im here (just like Hannah above!) because of Oh Comely, and now I'm following! I really love your blog layout too :) xoxo

  3. Oh wow Thank you guys! I still can't believe they posted my letter!!! Thank you so much for the follows, I really appreciate it :) haha yeah I felt a bit like oooo...I shouldn't be doing this... haha x
